
Treading water....

3 kids is work. A lot of work. And sleeplessness. And stress. And oh so much fun! Most days I'm treading water. Some days I'm drowning. Definitely not swimming yet. But we'll get there. I'm taking pictures. Not as many as I'd like, but I am taking them. And one day I'll start sharing them regularly. So stick with me. I'll be back in the swing of things soon. Or in the crazy hospital. Either one. And for the record, Carter's awesome. Purely awesome.


kristin said...

i am just excited to see him in the outfit i gave him! oh so cute!! your braver than me- i haven't even attempted 3 so way to go!!

Shannon said...

There are days I feel like I'm finally on top of things so I sit down and relax for a while. Then I get depressed. Maybe it's better for me to be busy. Just keep treading.

Rebekah said...

Rockwell has that same baby outfit:):)

I tell ya the sleepless nights are a killer Linds. I'm with ya on that one. The sleep deprivation is the HARDEST thing.