A few of the "guest" in my last photo-shoot. If only puppy's could stay puppy's. I'm not a huge fan once they turn into a dog. But for now, Titan's pretty cute.
These are a "second-shoot" with Danny and Kelsey. Worked much better when it wasn't Danny's bedtime. I imagine you'll see a lot of these two through the years.
Is it mean that I absolutely love this photo?!
Her hand position in this is awesome.
Just sizin' each other up.
I'm hilarious. . . .or maybe their mom was tickling them. Whatever.
We did a little Bridal/Groom shoot before the wedding. Highly recommended. It really cuts down on the time and hustle on the wedding day. I went to college with these two so the time we spent together was full of stories. Some of which I think the groom was making up since Melissa and I both suffer from long-term memory loss we couldn't verify anything he said. And these two were made for each other. It just took a long time for them to figure it out. :)
Love this one.
This one was all about the sign. I've never seen a pretty "no trespassing" sign. Someone really went to a lot of work to keep people out. Unfortunately the sign isn't working very well. It's almost begging you to trespass. At least that's how I felt about it.
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