

Cold and Windy. Not a good combo. But we prevailed. Despite crazy hair. And the kids--troopers. Mom and Dad owe you a big treat. :)

Love this one.

"Oh there you are Peter." (special prize to anyone who can tell me what movie that's from)


Mommy McD said...

Its from Hook. When the little kid is scrunching up grown up Peters (Robin Williams) face shortly after he gets back to never never land.

Brit H. said...

Nice call.

Mommy McD said...

Haha, pat on the back for me. It is also one of my uber favorites.

kristin said...

okay I knew it was Hook too- because you always quote that!! And you really do make everyone look so good!!! good job!

Risa West said...

i love them...these are so cute.