
Turkey Day.

I'm a big fan of Thanksgiving. Especially when it happens to fall on my birthday. Wahoo. Last year my family started a new tradition--frying a turkey. Yum.
Here she is marinated and ready to burn.

The pot just after we put her in. It's best to keep your distance.
My mom and brother. She's not going to be happy about this one, but I couldn't resist.
The finished product.

And the "safe" oven turkey just in case the fried one doesn't turn out.

The surgeon carving up the bird.

And what would Thanksgiving be without a little time on the DS.

I could now give a list of all the things I'm thankful for, but it would be FAR too long. Just know, I'm thankful. For everything. I'm one blessed girl. Now bring on Christmas and some serious SNOW!!!

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

Hey, Thanksgiving was my b-day, too. Happy b-day. That first picture with the metal rod sticking out of the turkey is slightly disturbing to me. Ouch.