
Alta Girls Soccer. STATE CHAMPIONS!!! Again.

Wikipedia: "A sports dynasty is a team that dominates their sport or league for multiple seasons or years." Looks like Alta has itself a dynasty. Last Friday they won their FOURTH State Championship in a row. Unbelievable. They played the Davis Darts at Rio Tinto stadium. Alta scored. Davis scored. Alta scored. Davis scored. Alta scored. Then, with about 30 seconds left in the game, Davis scored. Overtime. After 20 more minutes, no one scored. Shoot out. After 7 penalty kicks on each side, Alta squeaked by with a win. Most girls who play high school soccer never get the chance to play in a state championship. And for those who do, only half of them win. The Seniors on Alta's team won the state championship EVERY YEAR they played. Congratulations to the Alta Lady Hawks Dynasty!!!


NatRat said...

SWEET shots!

The Lowe's said...

i love that you did this shoot and did it while pregnant. your a trooper.

kristin said...

Linds they look awesome, and i love you did it with a broken tripod- you are amazzzzzzzing!!