

Blog friends. So 2009 started a few weeks ago. I'm a little behind.
Just wanted to note that I've changed my pricing a bit. Check out my website for further details.

**UDATED TO ADD: The sessions are booked. Still $100 off for first person to book a wedding**

And to celebrate the new year, I'm having a little SALE!!! Booyah.

The first two people to e-mail me to book a session (newborn, senior, portrait, or family) will get $50 off their session. And the first person to e-mail me to book a wedding will get $100 off their wedding package. (A retainer fee will be required to hold your sessions. I'll give you details if you're first.) The only catch. The session has to take place before April 1st (unless it's a newborn--then it just has to happen in the next 9 months). And the wedding has to be sometime before October of 2009.

So. E-mail. Fast. Because it's only the FIRST 2 people for a session. And only ONE for a wedding. And I probably won't be offering this again in the near future. So hurry.

Here's to a New Year!!! WAHOO.

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