
Because I know she can't wait.

More later.


SchmidtFam said...

I am DYING over the shot of the three girls.... oh my gosh!!!! I can't wait to see the rest!!! You are killing me with the 'teaser' here, Linds!!! Thanks again! We had fun- and I'm so glad the girls were so good! Lilly LOVES you... I thought she was going to follow you home! =) You are amazing... can't wait to see the rest of your brilliant work...

Brit H. said...

Wow. WOW! She is SO gorgeous! Those girls? DARLING! Oh ya, Dean is okay too. ha ha. Amazing pics. Really GREAT shots. Great pics, great family. Great. Just great!

kristin said...

Katie looks so good, and you got such a great shot of those girls- super cute- good job