You HAVE to watch this video. Seriously. HAVE to watch it. I've watched it over 5 times now. It's exactly what i needed right now.
It was brough to my attention by a fellow
photographer (thanks again).
If I was really technically savvy I could get it on my blog, but i have no idea how.
CLICK HERE to see the video. Trust me. It's worth your time.
It's done by a photographer, for photographers, BUT I think it's applicable to anyone striving to be better. To be more.
Some of my favorite quotes from the video.
"Why on God's great green earth do we have this insatiable desire to compare ourselves to others? What is this great sickness?" (My favorite)
"Who am I? What is my voice? I don't even really know what that means, but it keeps me up at night."
"Am I so arrogant to think I'll have it all figured out at 36?"
"Be patient. Don't rush. Chill out."
"Every photographer in all of history was a
horrible photographer for some period of time."
"Transformation takes time."
Thank you Mr. Arias for inspiring me to suck less. Not just as a photographer, but as a person.
check it out.