
Back to the grind.

Just got back from a weekend in Vegas. And it feels like we never left. I need a 10 day vacation somewhere tropical. Time to start planning. But for now, it's back to the daily grind. When all I really want to do is curl up in my bed and read a good book.

I don't know why, but I really don't like bath time. So I thought maybe if I made it a photography experience it might make it better. Didn't work. Here's the results anyway.

I wish this picture had sound. Because the world was ending as those bubbles slid into her eye.


Mommy McD said...

I don't like bathtime either. Well... I do if it is my own. Great pictures!

missliss5/Melissa said...

My favorite is the towel pic! I just bought color tablets for the tub and those have helped my 2 little girls be happy longer in the tub. I try to turn it into playtime so I can have a little break. It doesn't always work...esp. when the 1 year old starts dumping water out of the tub.

Brit H. said...

LOVE the first pic. Hey, how come your carpet is so nicely vacuumed? Wish mine looked that way right now...